Thursday, October 1, 2009

Animated Post Card

For the corpse collage, I mixed pictures of myself and pictures from the chapter 9 exercise folder together. I dragged each photo into Photoshop and transformed them into the right sizes using the free transform tool. I placed all the pictures on one document and selected hue/saturation. I clicked the colorize option and chose a pink hue because my font poem is about roses and a medium saturation. I did have difficulty creating the hue/saturation at first because I didn't realize I had to check the colorize option, which was responsible for the pink wash. I then selected the layer of each body part and varied the opacity in the layer toolbar so that it looked as though the different body parts blended together, but no so much that the overlapping couldn't be seen. I blended in a rose background from Google to represent my font poem.

For the animated font poem, I simply selected animation from the window toolbar. I then turned all the eyes off on all layers except the background layers. I selected the first animation slide and then turned the first word layer eye on. I selected duplicate selected frames and then turned the next word layer eye on in addition to the first and so on. After I was finished with that, I fooled around with the amount of seconds in between each word and developed my animated poem.

To transfer my font poem to my collage, I had to save my corpse as a jpeg and resize my corpse to that of the animated font poem by clicking constrain proportions. I then selected the corpse, copied, and pasted it onto the font poem animation.

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